Monday, January 2, 2012

Weigh Less Than Santa (206lbs)

Right now I weigh 206 lbs. That means I'm a fatty-fat male. Oh geez. Well...that's embarassing. what do I do? Diet and exercise right? Okay. Well, If I consistently lose no more than 2 lbs a week (losing weight the right way) that means I'll be under 192lbs around the second week of February. AKA....Valentines Day!! So that's it. My goal for January and into to weigh less than 192 lbs by Valentines Day. I'm going to have to work hard at the gym and eat good foods and I'm going to do it dang it! My reward? To have the satisfaction of making another blog post on February 14th gloriously reporting my success. Until then? Diet and exercise so I can weigh Less than Santa!!!

P.S. Basically I'm turning this blog into one of those really annoying how to lose weight blogs and I'm going to document everything that I do. Hopefully by the end of the year i'll at least be at my goal weight of 165. Good luck to me and anyone else out there trying to lose weight.


  1. i am at 225 so i win the major award for fatness!!!!

    p.s. - dont tell mom :-)

  2. you can do!! i can do...need it too. good luck!!!!

  3. let me know if you guys need any yummy crazy healthy recipes! :) way to go !!!

  4. I saw this! :) I let the holidays derail my diet plans. You are all inspiring me. It is January. Time to get back to work.


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